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11:22 PM
JLPT N2 Word
タオ チューン
#Kanji #quiz 領 #JLPT N2 Select the matching meaning 1. diligence; become employed; serve; 2. empty; sky; void; vacant; vacuum; 3. jurisdiction; dominion; territory; fief; reign; 4. south; 5. squeeze; 6. twig; ornamental evergreen; #japanese #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #nihongo #eigo
8:02 AM
JLPT N2 Word
タオ チューン
Choose the #Kanji match the meaning blind; blind man; ignoramus; 1. 培 2. 担 3. 桃 4. 盲 5. 諮 6. 魅 #japanese #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #nihongo #eigo #JLPT N1