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10:34 PM

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JLPT N2 Word

タオ チューン

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#JLPT Word Quiz, find word match the meaning #JLPT N2 (n) oil 1. 広まる 2. 慌てる 3. 残す 4. 気風 5. 油 6. 考える #japanese #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #nihongo #eigo

8:20 AM

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JLPT N2 Word

タオ チューン

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#Kanji #quiz 値 #JLPT N2 Select the matching meaning 1. blame; condemn; censure; 2. halt; stopping; 3. intention; plan; resolve; aspire; motive; hopes; shilling; 4. naked; nude; uncovered; partially clothed; 5. paragraph; nape of neck; clause; item; term (expression); 6. price; cost; value; #japanese #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #nihongo #eigo