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#Kanji a day

タオ チューン


升 Strokes: 4 ショウ ます measuring box, 1.8 liter Draw: Any words or sentences? Pls comment! #japanese #nihongo #日本語 #漢字. Kanji Quiz: 升 (ます): THĂNG (n) measuring container/measure/box (seating at a theatre, etc.)/square on a grid/cell of a grid/square bearing block (at the top of a pillar) 升目 (ますめ): THĂNG MỤC (n) measure/square (e.g. of graph paper or Japanese manuscript paper)/box (e.g. on a form) 升席 (ますせき): THĂNG TỊCH (n) tatami "box seat" for four people at sumo, kabuki, etc. 升形 (ますがた): THĂNG HÌNH (n) square (shape)/square bearing block (at the top of a pillar)/(in a castle) rectangular space between the inner and outer gates (where troops can gather) 升遷 (しょうせん): THĂNG THIÊN (n) rising up 升酒 (ますざけ): THĂNG TỬU (n) alcohol (esp. sake) served in a small wooden box/alcohol (esp. sake) sold in a small wooden box 升売り (ますうり): THĂNG MẠI (n) selling something by the boxful (in a wooden masu box) 升 (しょう): THĂNG (n) sho (unit of volume, approx. 1.8 litres) 升組 (ますぐみ): THĂNG TỔ (n) square framing (in a house, temple, screen, etc.) 升組み (ますぐみ): THĂNG TỔ (n) square framing (in a house, temple, screen, etc.)
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